Martiya Daman

Martiya Daman


Do tomorrow's work today, do today's work right now

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About Me

I am just writing stories & poems and making others smile, I like it. I am 9 years old and Indian, Glad you came to read my profile. It's definetly a pleasure to write here. My thought:

Dreams are like characters in a story who just want a bad plot to end, and it does. It's a soul you follow for a perfect life. Wishes and Goals are part of Dreams. Wishes are silent echoes of our heart and Goals is a life we dare to reach, trying to get closer step by step.

Well, have a great time writing, reading, reviewing etc!

For those who want to collaborate: I am a minor right now. I appreciate your interest in my work but we can't work together until I am older. Thank you for your patience.