Burn. Burn. In the firelight of dawn when the sun sets aflamethose of us who awake to the clamor of dayunfinished tasks still holding up a traffic jam..
Skirting through the hundreds of pageswith poets squishing eternal lovecrushing stray moonbeamsyou arose like a whirlwind, spirallingbroken dreams of ..
The bristles on the boulevard clicked and cloppedsplattered into flat rain dropssped to join bodies with other playmatesnow rushing to the rivulet gat..
Spark kissed tinderburst into flamesAs men gathered in tight knotsStitched up a street riotWood warmed and glowedMilitant revolution mindsThe embers h..
Like lovethe river bends with a mind of its ownbrutally, beautifullyslowly disdainfully, in no hurry to go places,everything must succumb, no compromi..
We've had those silly quarrelsswear words and senseless argumentsone-up-man-ship wins'those holier than thou attitudes,yet we moved forward in the sam..
No matter, the road you have taken and stars countedthe journey still vibrates with your energetic laughtersplendid expression of hope companion.You n..
Just as you sauntered into the fog filled replicaof an acid night where the trumpet blaredin a shrieking cacophony of foot tapping jazzI too will gras..
Lips and kiss don't rhymebut neither does love and hateSorrow and pain seem elegantand together accept their fateLove and laughter have elegancea walt..
We met again after thirty five yearsin a flash recognition of names and facesand we planned to meet that one more timeto fill a vacuum of questions an..