Re-al Boss

Re-al Boss


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San Juan, MI.Trace, Trinidad and Tobago
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm a young writer, just turned 16 , I'v always been writing ever since I was a kid.Back when I was in primary school my friend Terrance and I would make comics and sell them out, I would write he would draw, stick-men comics didn't reel-in much cash, but it was the love that made us do it.But one of my main focus is originality and imagination I could never write a realistic story because I like to do stuff others won't think of doing.Adventure , fantasy, love, comedy these are the things that keep me up at night and what puts me to sleep... and what I dream and daydream about.When I couldn't take it anymore I pull out my laptop and started writing. My first ever novel was named Legends of Logos but when I brought for my English teach he said that I need more experience writing books and that I should have started small so I rewrote the book and even started on a new book that moved on into a series named Kingdom Chronicles . I'm still curving the edges but I just can't what for world to read it.