MarkeithLa : Writing

Adventures in Felinoship.

Adventures in Felinoship.

A Book by MarkeithLa

Elves get together to battle, romance and other things and watch what happens.
2: Cut of the sacred bonding

2: Cut of the sacred bonding

A Chapter by MarkeithLa

Amara convinces the wolfriders to let her leave; Walfsang does a sacred bonding device to Amara.
3: Test of Romantic Discipline

3: Test of Romantic Discipline

A Chapter by MarkeithLa

Walfsang and Ramek take a test for the love of Amara; Jaigo spies on Princess Ramia
Warriors of New York

Warriors of New York

A Story by MarkeithLa

The Warriors of New York city: Casandra Viana- telepathy, preconogiton, preminitons,tracks down mutuants with her mind Magic Archer- stratigist, a..


A Book by MarkeithLa

This is Xmen in a alternate time, if you like it please give comments, excitment(person dies) and other things.