Marinabeana : Writing



A Poem by Marinabeana

Your dad called me It bothers me To hear you’re getting worse I‘m drowning on the ways I couldn’t save you As you stay up for d..
The Things I Think About Too Often

The Things I Think About Too Often

A Poem by Marinabeana

My blabbering mouth And crooked teeth Talking about mundane things To kill the silence My trembling hands And sick stomach Trying to hide all ..
Janesville Land Pirate

Janesville Land Pirate

A Poem by Marinabeana

Quietly as possible We stumble upstairs to your room My brain spinning a bit From the liquid courage we both needed Cuddle up to watch a movie ..
Shall We?

Shall We?

A Poem by Marinabeana

I have this aching in my chest This hollow feeling of sadness Staring at empty walls Heart beating in my head Pins and needles in my limbs Nausea..


A Poem by Marinabeana

I have chosen to be alone lately Because everyone is draining me And I can’t explain to everyone That I don’t have the energy For the..


A Poem by Marinabeana

A common catchy song is playing Over the speaker at my favorite bar Blinking gambling machines A sticky floor The smell of stale beer and the rive..
More Than You Know

More Than You Know

A Poem by Marinabeana

I’ve known you for such a short time But I don’t think I’ve seen a smile On your sweet face in months A real smile One that ligh..
Mind Wanders

Mind Wanders

A Poem by Marinabeana

I’m so intrigued by you It’s not common For me to have genuine feelings for someone But I keep catching my mind wander to you When I&..
How Much Longer

How Much Longer

A Poem by Marinabeana

I come over to check on you Still in your day clothes Sleeping on your leather couch In a strange position Making odd noises and snoring Whiskey ..


A Poem by Marinabeana

The sun is hanging low But there’s still enough light To see your shimmering eyes Green and yellow raindrops in your irises Surrounded by r..