MarilynT : Writing

Eternally Seventeen and In Love

Eternally Seventeen and In Love

A Poem by MarilynT

On the top rail of the fence sits a girl with moss-green eyes jeans that are cuffed to the knee reveal skin the color of milk a spray of freck..
Dual Singularity

Dual Singularity

A Poem by MarilynT

Marriage vows Bind, Unite Two become one Why then are so many reduced to dual singularity His car Her car step one his friends ..


A Poem by MarilynT

I was ok the small click in my mind a minor annoyance. click thump thump thump another car stereo base cranked click pants that ha..
Living in Fear

Living in Fear

A Poem by MarilynT

Afraid to live afraid to die a hopeless being unable to cry. Afraid of love afraid of hate an empty heart without a mate. Afraid to be wea..
She Walks At Night

She Walks At Night

A Poem by MarilynT

Long black hair hair so dark it swallowed the moonlight framed a face so white it glowed beneath the light that had not been consumed A single ..


A Poem by MarilynT

On August 4th 2007 my husband suffered two heart attacks. He is ok now but I will never be the same.Before, I lived every moment with him. Now those ..
Rain Dance

Rain Dance

A Poem by MarilynT

We waltz rain dancing upon our heads our shoulders gentle notes laughing freely you spin me wet grass bare feet dance lightly ..
Our Children

Our Children

A Poem by MarilynT

What do we want for these children we create. Children who live within our minds but are only words, sentences, and paragraphs of a single dimension b..
The Heart of the Beholder

The Heart of the Beholder

A Poem by MarilynT

Her skin glistens with morining dew worlds live in her eyes her laugh has graced more than a few while her lips tell them lies. She is the kin..
Sunday Saints

Sunday Saints

A Poem by MarilynT

Six days a week, they lie, cheat and steal. No kind words they speak, no love do they feel. Annoyed by the homeless, the needy, the poor. ..

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