A Story by Mari
The house with the terrible smell of cow's blood,And their hot manure, which would stain the house of my childhood,Where such things happened,Horrifyi..
A Poem by Mari
The maddest windTangles your hair,Tears fall from your eyesIt’s not crying, just an allergy to the weather.The colors are dark,Like in fairy tal..
A Poem by Mari
We are most stripped bare
when we await catharsis.
Our hands weaken,
and our faces grow serene.
We are like the fragrant, blossoming flowers of sp..
A Poem by Mari
You closed the black doors,like a sealed templeif such a thing exists.You made your dwelling in various dark hearts,slipped into a locked latch.Dry le..
A Poem by Mari
The caricatures of our soul,
Trapped within white walls,
Sinking into the slumber of morning.
Trees, of which we are the mothers,
Or perhaps wild ..
A Poem by Mari
Often we yearn to leave the city's pavements behind,To go where calm is deeper,Where we will be loved more.We will delight in the metaphors of fallen ..
A Poem by Mari
Goats fallen into the ravine
Their blood on the rocks,
Every moment is dangerous,
A herald of death,
A goat lying down
To rest on the rocky hill,..
A Poem by Mari
The wind flutters your black cloak,You smoke a cigaretteWith a hand frozen from the cold,The red fragments of your heartAre piled beneath your feet,Yo..
A Poem by Mari
Fly away black bird,
perhaps you’ll encounter a carcass
or someone kind
will offer it to you.
You’ll hide in the dry bushes with food,..
A Poem by Mari
I was simply singing,
watching red poppies
in the field,
thinking of nothing,
just remembering
the sea of my childhood,
as Banville does
in h..