About Me
I live in the beautiful but merciless midwest with my husband and three incredible children. I am called "manymusings" here on the computer because my interests vary so greatly though all can be catagorized as creative in nature. I own my own Creative Design Firm and I am also an artist. Writing is another creative outlet for me. Basically...I MUST CREATE IN ORDER TO BREATHE! So when I am not designing for my day job I am drawing, painting, reading, writing or just plain ole daydreaming. I have goals and aspirations to finish writing a romance novel, then a thriller, then an action, you get the picture... Yes I love them all.
I have started seven different manuscripts but have yet to finish even one....(pouting)
I think I really lack the discipline neccessary to make a go of writing for anything more than hobby and entertainment. But I hope to be able to someday accomplish a complete novel from beginning to end. (Writing itofcourse.) When it comes to reading I can devour a paperback in anywhere from one to five days depending on the cooperation of availible time.
I look forward to reading and writing here on Writers Cafe and making lots of new friends!