A simple reflection on the movement of inspiration.
(Image is part of an oil painting by my husband Len Kesling.)
I rediscovered an old collage journal lately. 2012 was a hard year for me, with flash floods of grief. I expressed it after the waves of grief passed.
Spending this day in a friend's battlefield, channeling peace, home now, relief.
Thoughts of being with the dying, in the moments when they have not yet made peace with themselves, and face a dark night as potent as the dark night ..
Just reflecting on a current theme in my life
My husband and I have witnessed many near break-ups. Sometimes we end up casualties of other people's wars.
A poem I wrote about my husband last week, if anyone's been misunderstood, it's him.
On growing up in San Francisco in the 60's and 70's- losing the "village", losing myself, miracles that saved my life.
The contrasting poem to "Remembering a Friend", my experience of churches
I'm named for a saint, and when i was young, she was my best friend.