Ms. Starr : Writing

Strange Similarities

Strange Similarities

A Chapter by Ms. Starr

June 24th, 2010It's funny how much time has passed.December-January-February-March-April-May-June.1-2-3-4-5-6-7.Every month another moment in my memor..
All That's Left

All That's Left

A Chapter by Ms. Starr

EYES LOCKED; HANDS TOUCHING; JUST MEMORIES. this is where i tell you. this is where i explain my harsh goodbyes and desperate hellos. this is where..
Today, Another Day.

Today, Another Day.

A Chapter by Ms. Starr

for the ones who's ever.. thought.
Blue Blood

Blue Blood

A Chapter by Ms. Starr

can you imagine?


A Chapter by Ms. Starr

I lose control of my vision and then my heart panics and my lungs shrivel and my ribs collapse. my ears ring and my fingertips tingle and my toes curl..
The Thoughts and Theories of the Not-So-Average: A Book For Teens

The Thoughts and Theories of the Not-So-Average: A..

A Book by Ms. Starr

summed up: a series of short writings that reflect the unsure, passionate, and generally unspoken side of teens. witty, tormented, pointless and not r..

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