Lydia Shutter : Writing

I Write

I Write

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

A poem I wrote in 2005 for my book that was published that year. Figured it would be an appropriate repost for Poetry Month.


A Poem by Lydia Shutter

a lazy few hours at the beach and a poem is born
In My Life

In My Life

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

Remembering a friend


A Poem by Lydia Shutter

it's almost favorite month
Immortalize me

Immortalize me

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

it's Friday night!
the sorrow of silence

the sorrow of silence

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

in hopeless disbeliefmy thoughts do a backwards somersaultto another timewhen doors opened to treasuresand stairs were taken by twoswhen towers came t..
i'll miss you

i'll miss you

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

i try to digest the moment soft and silent but volatile shadows held up by marble bookends grab my attention like yellowed newspa..


A Poem by Lydia Shutter

artwork by jose pachecothe dandelions he picks instantly become roses he finds meaning in café windows then writes poetry with clouds o..
every night before

every night before

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

artwork by michael and inessa garmashthe timeless taste of your kiss lingers on my tongue on the other side of morning your scent on the sheets ..
a poem is born

a poem is born

A Poem by Lydia Shutter

artwork by Kendall Jan Jubbit’s only the fragile infancy of an idea yet its tendrils transfix me like a punch of drama my fingers c..