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Penticton, BC, Canada
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Aspiring, rookie writer... Born with the gift of storytelling, I began writing the moment I understood the concept of the written word. My first novel began when I was in grade five. I spent three weeks writing , completed the fifth chapter and then we had to move. My attention was torn from my creation and eventually it got lost in the shuffle of papers. It wasnt until recently, when I began writing again, that I remembered it. Remembered how important it was to me. The story was good. So good in fact, I would love to share it, yet I won't as I plan to finish it one day. When I was in highschool my English Teacher sent a poem I wrote to the BC writers annual creative writing contest. Out of five thousand entries grade 8-12,( I was in grade eight ) I won honerable mention. Fourth place. It was confirmed. I was talented. I went on to another writing spree. I have little recollection of what I wrote, mostly the first three or four lines from some poems. I do remember though, how I felt when I was writing. The excitement of bringing an idea to print, the frustration and struggle to keep it going. Finally, the burst of satisfaction and pride when I was finished.
Living free and healthy in the clean air of the Okanagan Valley, I am blessed.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Wow, a year already? Time has been flying so much, I just can't keep up. So, you got married? That is great! A big congratulations! I hope you find love, and happiness, and joy in your marriage. :)
I have actually been away from the cafe quite a bit. I have hardly gotten on this year. With this being my senior year of high school, I have had a lot of things I've been trying to concentrate on, especially graduation and continuation into college. I haven't been able to write much, although I have been desperately trying!!! I hope to take some time out soon, though, and get back in touch on here. I look forward to reading a lot of the works on here, especially yours!!


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Posted 16 Years Ago

It's been a long time...so, how've you been?
Once the site went through that phase where everyone's writing got deleted I sorta took a long break from here and finally decided to return about a month or two ago. I have some new stuff on here as well as some of the stuff I had on here before. Feel free to read and comment.
Well, thanks for all the support before. See ya...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey thanks for the reviews, I would like to extend my appreciation by sharing your works with friends of mine and asking that they look at you work and review it as well. I hope you are fine with that.
Thanks again.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you for the read and review:)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

THanks so much for the review~Hugs~Fran Marie

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you again for taking the time to understand, and for being open.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

THanks so much for reviewing my story,` An Urban Legend`I so appreciate it~Fran Marie

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the add. To tell you the truth, we are very much alike. Although you did start writing much earlier than I did, we still have much in common of our pasts. I am aspiring rookie author, too (as you put it) and I began writing at an early age, though I have never finished one book I have started. I hope to speak to you in the future...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to the Cafe!