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Noneya, NY
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About Me

Reading and writing is my passion. I love a good love story and a sappy movie every now and then. I love God, makeup, Paul McCartney, Twilight, Robert Pattinson and Edward Cullen!

I Carry Your Heart With Me (I Carry It In My Heart)

I carry your heart with me (I carry it in my heart)
I am never without it (anywhere I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet)
I want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)

"Isabella Swan?" He looked up at me through his impossibly long lashes, his golden eyes soft but, somehow, still scorching. "I promise to love you forever-every single day of forever. Will you marry me?" There were many things I wanted to say, some of them not nice at all, and others more disgustedly gooey and romantic than he probably dreamed I was capable of. Rather than embarrass myself with either. I whispered, "Yes." "Thank you," he said simply. He took my left hand and kissed each of my fingertips before he kissed the ring that was now mine.

"I'm not going to kill you now, because it would upset Bella." "Hmph, " I grumbled. Edward turned slightly to throw me a quick smile. His face was still calm. "It would bother you in the morning, " he said, brushing his fingers across my cheek.

"And if you ever kiss her again, I WILL break your jaw for her, " he promised, his voice still gentle and velvet and deadly.

"You might want to wait for her to SAY it, rather than trust your interpretation of body language-but it's your face."

"One more thing, " Edward said slowly. "I'll be fighting for her, too. You should know that. I'm not taking anything for granted, and I'll be fighting twice as hard as you will."

"She IS mine." Edward's low voice was suddenly dark, not as composed as before. "I didn't say I would fight fair."

Jacob nodded. "Yes, may the best MAN win." "That sounds about right...pup."

"Not in that sense. I've been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan. The wedding ceremony is the one thing I can't wait-" He broke off mid-thought. "Oh, for the love of all that's holy!"

My last night in my room. My last night as Isabella Swan. Tomorrow night, I would be Bella Cullen. Though the whole marriage ordeal was a thorn in my side, I had to admit that I liked the sound of that.

It was funny how abruptly and necessary this vision had become. From that first little touch, the whole world had shifted. Where before there was just one thing I could not live without, now there were two. There was no division-my love was not split between them now; it wasn't like that. It was more like my heart had grown, swollen up to twice its size in that moment. All that extra space, filled. The increase was almost dizzying.

It was a surprisingly sensual experience to observe Edward hunting. His smooth spring was like the sinuous strike of a snake; his hands were so sure, so strong, so completely inescapable; his full lips were perfect as they parted gracefully over his gleaming teeth. He was glorious. I felt a sudden jolt of both pride and desire. He was MINE. Nothing could ever separate him from me now. I was too strong to be torn from his side.

The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother's watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.
Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing's not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
-- Elizabeth Bishop


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Posted 15 Years Ago

hi! just reading your profile/biography thing and I loved the Twilight quotes! sorry, just thought I'd mention that. Happy weekend!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

hey. how are you?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I'm very flattered that you would say that, Gabby. It's just that I've seen a lot of hurt and pain in my life, so when I see someone so full of love and compassion like you, I have to support them. This world can be very cruel, so I want you to always remember that there is still goodness in it.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

im sorry about the girl. someone here died too, but im trying to keep the spirits up! And your right. Rob is too lazy to hop in a plane for us!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yes it was! actually. i was talking to my teacher about him and wouldnt shut up! lol. what about yours?

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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yes! Yes! Yes! Then you can have him! Deal?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh yes. And when he knows it...POW!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Great. Poor Robert will be attacked by the two of us.