About MeFor some exciting interaction with other writers check out these wonderful forums:
xanthippeharridan.proboards.com omegasan.proboards.com apocalypsia.proboards.com nomde.proboards.com NOTICE: I will not review poems. I'm sorry for those of you who write a lot of poems. I may read them. Please don't ask me to review them. I'm Wolfie. Yes, even irl people call me that. I've devoted my life to the study and conservation of wolves. I plan on opening my own wildlife conservation center in Texas. I'm an outdoorsie person. I like hunting(as a means to eat and population control ONLY. I do NOT hunt just for sport.), Horseback riding, fourwheeling, rock climbing, cave diving, hiking, etc. One of my favorite things to do is lay under the stars and moon, having the vast night sky cover me like a warm quilt. I have many animals and more along the way. I have 6 horses, 1 donkey, 2 dogs, 1 goat, and too many cats. I will soon have an iguana to add to the family. I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Ever since I learned to make paper and pencil work together. I enjoy reading all kinds of genres. I love music. Although to me 'music' is very general. To me 'music' could mean anything from heavy metal, to techno, to classic, to country, to just crickets and owls in the woods. I write about animals and myths. I enjoy writing about the supernatural. You have less limitations. -.^ If you would like to get a hold of me in a way other than messages on writerscafe.org then please feel free to email me at [email protected]. ![]() Lets101 - Free Dating Site ![]() Lets101 Quizzes - Quizzes for Fun Don't click here! |