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Ottawa, OH
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About Me

I am 17 years old and live in Ottawa, OH. This is a small town setting and most people here are small-minded. I am a free-thinking individual, mostly because of my passion for writing and whatnot. I enjoy reading (quite frequently the work of Stephen King, John Marco, Christopher Paolini, C.S. Friedman, John Steakley, and D.J. Machale). I am writing a novel "Legacy of Noire: Of Mercy and Malign" that is now over 110,000 words in length. I have since stopped writing this. Call it a loss of inspiration perhaps? I will start up on it again someday I am sure. For now I am writing a little poetry. As a writer of fantasy I never thought I would ever get into poetry but indeed I have. whether I am any good at it or not remains to be determined. I was hoping I could find some opinions here. I once had another account with a similair name but I deleted it after p[osting my book on it. I got several good reviews and after a time maybe I will post it again. I thank you all for your imput!

Corey Lunare, Writer. Warrior.