Why do I bother to try,Just left to suffer and cry,Hand pushed into the fire i recoil.,Only to be burned and my blood to boil,Crushed again, I stumble..
This reflects what i felt and what i'm sure a lot of people feel when they just cant blot it out any more....
Exhaustion holds my hand in time,To my body and mind, exams a crime,Sleepless nights and restless days behold,A game in which the answer is to fold,Th..
Exactly what the title says these are random scribbles written on random bits of paper :)
It explains itself....
*sigh* Life is tough i just typed it.... Strong interior Inside a broken little girl screams...
I Just Broke Up With My BF =(
As the clouds glide behind fractured boughs,The final day of March is stubbed out by a mask of snow,Light turns its back on a violent world once more,..
Again i have been a bit down lately so this is full of what I have been thinking. Please feel free to ask questions. And please review... I don't usua..
I know this isnt really a poem more of a piece of writing...