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Abermule, Wales, United Kingdom
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Hi!!! I'm just an ordinary 15 year old girl from mid-Wales.
i started to write a while back when life got tough.. it seemed to help. There is some things you cannot say so i just express it in my writing... Most of my writing has only ever been seen by me as i am almost ashamed of what's in ink. Plus half of it's written on any random piece of scrap paper i could find.

my main goal is to improve and maybe even link my artwork to my poetry as i have been painting for a greater time.

Nearly everything i write has a hidden meaning some not so hidden..

I hope enjoy my work and/or give me some advise and feedback :).
Thank you, Luna xXx


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey no problem =) thankyou!!! xXx

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Sorry to go on and on with my comments, your writing is really good though, and it brings out all sorts of thoughts!!