Luna Tique Fringe

Luna Tique Fringe


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About Me

I'm back after the debacle..the bad taste has faded. Those of you who knew me when will find my writing a bit more edgy than before.. but I haven't abandoned my softer side.. I hope to represent both.

I have decided not to add anyone as a friend who hasn't reviewed at least one of my poems. I mean really what's the point?

I like to trade reviews.
If you do me
I'll do you.

I'm a girl on a mountain..
isolated to some degree
no big city blues to wear me down
I get up in the morning..
I go to bed at night
somewhere in the middle
I write...


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Happy New Year 2011 Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 15 Years Ago

MySpace Graphics
Desktop Wallpaper & MySpace Layouts

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks hon, yup the hook repeats at the end...I just didn't see the point in writing it twice, its kind of a southern rock/country tune, thanks for reading.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Luna! good to see fresh postings from you.......I'm too dull (lost that edge) to review anything more complicated than Barney right now. but it was nice to read you again.....


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Wake up. This Is a call to Keyboards! I want to see some poetry from YOU wonderful poet! Come to the Electric Eclectic group!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi there!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Ooh, tell me what you think his name might be!

All awkwardness was unintentional, but everybody reads things differently. There are some places that are awkward, but I chose to overlook it.

My poetry has a strange way of revealing itself to me. I sometimes think I am not writing it entirely on my own but by the help of something greater... The White Knight started out as just an erotic acrostic, retelling the moment when I lost my virginity - it's still there and even stronger. I think.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

You're welcome, Luna. I have been working on the refinement of my own style as far as readability and cohesive imagery (I have a weakness for branching a little too much) in an attempt to communicate purer condensed thoughts and emotions. So my reading filter is kind of keyed to that aspect of other's writing as well.

As an aside, thank YOU for your recent review of "Coming to Grips". To clarify a little bit, the premise in the first part of the piece is not a personal philosophy :) I was trying to unbalance the common romantic perception of sex in order to slide in the menace with more panache. It was also heavily edited since it's first appearance. The original had a second verse and I did name the various orifices, but I cut those completely. Too much information weakened the piece.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review! Kind words mean so much more from someone whose work you respect so much.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the comment on Down on Union... as I received yours I was simultaneously giving you one. You have fantastic work.
