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About Me

I'm a girl, just in love with a boy.
A boy, a man,
a wonderful being that inspires me to live on and write creatively,
in every way, everyday.
He is my world,
he is my light, my darkness,
everything that I am, he is.
Without him, I am only half of a being.

My dear, I love you unconditionally.
How cliche of a phrase but it is true.
I awake to the suns graceful entrance,
I walk through shadow and light,
and I drift off into a trance-like sleep
as the moon glides across the sky
because of you.
Because of all that you are.
Which is everything.
You are everything that surrounds me,
everything that animates, inspires, touches me.
You are everything, my everything.

You are my boy,
the soul that matches my own.
And I,
I am just a girl,
your girl,
your woman who is in love with you,
a man that has made my every wish come true.


I have been on haitus from the site for awhile, but over the course of that
time I have found someone that is incredibly beautiful, inspiring, and loving.
He is the love of my life and now my poetry is happier and not so depressing.
Although I admit, that I do enjoy writing about more depressing, I love it because
the words that can be used are so harsh, cold, it's ok to use gritty words
and I absolutely love that. That's all I have for now. Look for way more poems,
I have many to put up now that I am back in full force.

Happy writing everyone.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

thanks! im glad u dug it :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Wow thanks for the the reviews. you really read so many of them and i am glad that you into the words and approach of my stuff. it can be hard for people to digest sometimes but your encouragement is really appreciated.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hey there thanks for the review.i appreciate all the reviews you, and others have given me lately and i feel bad cuz i havent been able to reciprocate. ive been extremely busy with these 2 art shows im involved in and just havent had much time to jump on the site. rest assured i WILL be back after july to catch up on some really backed up reading1
thanks again

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Posted 17 Years Ago


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks It helps me to write knowing that there are people out there who will get something out of my work:) I'm still smiling :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you much for your time and effort to let me know that you enjoyed reading my work. I'm all smiles :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank for the kind words Luna. Nice of you to take the time and leave thoughts behind...very very kind of you.


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Posted 18 Years Ago

You have talent, there's no doubt about that! I've read a few of your poems now and let me tell you, they are well written and i enjoyed them! Keep up the great writing!!

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Posted 18 Years Ago is your One Stop Shop
Make your Comments HEARD using

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Wow you are on a reading spree. Thank you much for your kind words. I appreciate your time and am glad that you are interested enought o let me know so :)