James T Brittain

James T Brittain


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About Me

Raise the child of a military officer (navy brat), I've seen a fair bit of the world, and ever the adventurous type I've had a rather interesting life so far all and all. Until recently writing had always been a side interest of mine. It was something I did for myself, was fairly good at, and rather enjoyed, but I wasn't focusing on making it my life's ambition.

My undergraduate degree is in Fine Art. I had originally gone to school with the intention getting into either filmmaking or photography. I soon discovered I haven't thick enough skin or the patience to direct films. While I love photography, unfortunately western culture does not understand the artistic value of or technical skill that it requires. There is little to no market for Fine Art and Commercial work becomes very depressing very quickly.

So now I'm taking the writing that I've always done for myself and my friends, and am seeing if the world can love it as much as the people close to my heart do.