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Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
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About Me

I'm from North Carolina moving to Canada soon. I love to write randomly...Sometimes great things come out of it. I love doodling and drawing. I am crazy about music and I play World Of Warcraft (edit: not so much anymore). (which is what my most recent writing is about). I am in love with this Canadian I met online he is my world and I'll be with him soon, forever! ♥♥♥

A-2-Z About Me Survey by bamachic49
Name: Lyndsey
Nickname(s): Lizzy
Age: 19
Birthday: 05-13-1991
Birthplace: Greensboro, NC
Current Location: Halifax, NS, Canada
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 110
Lefty or Righty: Lefty
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
What Do You Drive: nothing atm
Screenname: [email protected]
Color: Lime Green
Number: 7
Band: Three Days Grace
Music Genre: Rock
TV Show: Reba
Movie: A-Team
Actor: Ryan Reynolds
Actress: Kate Beckinsale / Milla Jovovich
Kind of Movie: Any
Cartoon: Winnie the Pooh / Scooby-Doo
Sport: Cross Country
Fast Food Restaurant: McDonalds
Food: Chicken
Ice Cream: Moose Tracks
Cereal: Honeycomb
Candy: Sour Patch - watermelon
Drink: Coke
Alcoholic Beverage: Margarita
Quote: How can you look forward to tomorrow if you're still hooked on the past.
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: 7 - 1 blood 6 step
Have any pets: cat (Midget)
Have a job: nope
Have a cellphone: yup
Have any special talents or skills: writing and drawing
Have any fears: being alone and the dark
Have a bedtime: nope
Sing in the shower: yeah when I have music
Want to go to college: i did i might go back idk yet
Get along with your parents: meh
Have any piercings: ears as of now
Have any tattoos: not yet
Swear: all the time
Smoke: occasionally
Drink: i would more if i had access to it
Do Drugs:
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: I am
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: nope
Are you single: nope ^^
Are you in a relationship: yuppp
Do you have a crush on someone: yuppp
Ever been dumped: yeah....
Ever dumped someone: yup
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: Fruit
Black or White: Black
Lights On or Lights Off: Lights on
TV or Movie: Movie
Car or Truck: Car
Cash or Check: Cash
Rock or Rap: Rock
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
French Toast or French Fries: French Toast (neither are really french though)
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
Cookies or Muffins: Cookies
Winter Break or Spring Break: Spring Break
Hugs or Kisses: Kisses
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: yup
Smiled for no reason: yup
Laughed so hard you cried: yup
Talked to someone you don't know: yup
Drank alcohol: yup
Done drugs: nope
Partied 'til the sun came up: nope
Gotten a ticket: nope
Been arrested: nope
Been convicted of a crime: nope
Been in a wreck: nope
Been out of the country: in september I will have been
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: nope
Ever TP'd someone's house: nope
Ever egged someone's house: nope
How many languages do you speak: one English
Who do you compare yourself to: myself
Ever regret anything: of course
Do you like being tickled: yup its funny
What are your goals: being with my hubby forever
Are your fingers tired: nope
Are you tired of this survey: yup
Are you happy: yup
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