Lucas C. M. : Writing

The Last Moment

The Last Moment

A Poem by Lucas C. M.

You lay in the bed,A room smelling of disinfectant,A steady beep to your right,As loved ones gather around you,Some even cry,You vision is blurry,Your..


A Poem by Lucas C. M.

When the walls close in, And the darkness begins to spread, When the prison begins to grow, Ever smaller in size, The light begins to leave, A..
The Abyss

The Abyss

A Poem by Lucas C. M.

You sit there,Your heart full of darkness,Your mind full of conflict,Tears in your eyes,You sit there with the feeling,The pit of your stomach sickene..


A Poem by Lucas C. M.

This was made a while ago for my friend who has anxiety to help her out when she was having trouble.
The Danger of Love

The Danger of Love

A Poem by Lucas C. M.

One I wrote one day when I was in an emotional spout.


A Poem by Lucas C. M.

This was one I wrote in honor of my good friend. May he rest in all our classes peacefully. No, he is still alive.
Winter Comes

Winter Comes

A Poem by Lucas C. M.

A poem I did late fall after one of my morning jogs.


A Book by Lucas C. M.

WIP [Description Pending]