V. Lucien Maier

V. Lucien Maier


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Tooele, UT
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About Me

V. Lucien Maier was born in 1973, in Amersfoort, in the Netherlands.
His father a civil engineer had a love of travel, and both parents loved skiing. When the opportunity arose to move to the best snow in the world, they went for it.
Lucien was four when they boarded a plane and moved to Salt Lake City, Utah. Lucien grew up hiking, camping, and skiing on the mountains of Utah. Mountains, which he retains a great love for even today, "Just driving to work every day is wild here, there is always stuff to look at. The Sky is never the same. Everyday, Utah takes my breath away once, at least."
Married in 1997, Lucien and his wife have had the fortune to have a strong marriage and continue to do so. They have two children together, who also have a love for camping, and hiking.
Lucien got online before there was even a web. He first logged onto the net, through SLCC while there studying. The moment he was on he was hooked. Going anywhere, to gain access and more knowledge.
When the web premiered, Lucien was there and even premiered a search engine at the same time that Yahoo! Premiered. Although he is the first to admit it was rudimentary, and short sited.
Lucien worked he way into an ISP doing tech support. And has worked in the industry, as a ISP tech, Bench Tech, Tech manager, Web designer, System Administrator and more.
Throughout that time Lucien also had many side projects, some of the best known are club 28.8 "home of the clan wars" a gaming social site. It 1999 he launched Jedi Talk, an online talk show all about Star Wars, he was the main host and producer for the show.
The popular show did very well, and thus they expanded to add a role-playing talk show, and a Star Trek talk show. Lucien produced those two as well, and upon launch of The Star Trek show it was apparent Lucien was stretched to thin, they wound up going off the air three years after they started up the show.
It was an incredible experience, which Lucien learned a great deal from. When the show was winding down Lucien had a much bigger concept. But the massive size of the idea meant he had to bring in people to help. It did not work out and never got off the ground.
Frustrated Lucien wanted to do something by himself. When in his confused and rough teenage years, Lucien loved to write. He finished his first novel with great anticipation. Reading many books on publishing and how the process worked.
He submitted, and he got a bite. But they immediately wanted to change the work Lucien provided to better match a demographic. Lucien could not stomach the thought and gave up writing completely.
After Jedi Talk, Lucien had dug through his papers, and found some of his short stories. That is when the gears started turning. The idea of WoF is not so far fetched, given his back ground in Writing and audio production. He spent a year rewriting In The Blood to better suit the medium of audio. Then recorded and released it in November of 2005. He then wrote and produced In The Blood 2 "consequence".
He has sought to spread the idea of WoFing to other authors, through his myspace and Writer's cafe profiles. Although, Lucien has no want to be a publisher. "I want to be judged by the stories I tell, not the medium I came up with to bring it to the world. WoF is a method not a company."
In October of 2007 came with the release Of The Wolf "Zion", the first of three in a new werewolf series. Lucien will be first producing In The Blood 3, and then moving onto his second in the werewolf series.
Lucien loves to hear from his fans, which is one of the many reasons he is so publicly available through social sites, and email. He responds to anything that is not an ad, although it may take him a bit to get with you.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Happy Holidays my friend...hugs.. :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

hey guy, just checking to see if your still kicking..

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi friend, I've just mad a new website and was hoping you would check it out. thats the site. all you have to do is click on it and check it out. Don't forget to join the site! And if you can, please spread this comment around to all your friends. Thanks!!!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

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Have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too! Seen you have some new audios out.. I will put some time aside to review!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey! How are you?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Unfortunately, the allure of this site is that it is free. The moment it becomes necessary to, literally, put two cents in, that allure fades. If we wanted to pay to have our work seen, we'd pay a vanity press to just publish the stuff outright. =/ I understand your frustration, though.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I give a s**t about the Cafe!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

nice trailer, I could not find the review link but I liked it.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

could you read True blood next generation please??? no one has reat it and its making me feel sad ill read one of yours :D

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