Luchia Noname

Luchia Noname


dreams of dreams, love sweet love, become mine and mine alone.

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About Me

I love Anime and Manga, it is pretty much my life,
i read and watch a lot of them, some of my fav animes r- bleach, naruto, carcaptor, black cat, shugo Chara, mermaid melody, soul eater, kaidan restaurant, inuyasha, and one piece.
manga- fall in love like a comic, fruits basket, kamichama Karin, meru puri, Karin, sweetheart devil, bloody kiss, beast master, 1/2 prince, perfect girl evolution, platinum garden, kaichou wa maid-sama, Hana to akuma, fairy tail, crazy girl shin bia, and akagami no shirayukihime... thats just a few things i like...

I enjoy Writing my own books and short stories, they are very important to me, Drawing is also something I love to do, i only draw Japanese characters, I'm not really good at drawing anything else even though i try... i also like to paint my walls are filled with my imagination images.

I'm 21, my real name is Dallas, I LOVE ROMANCE!!!
I love climbing trees, singing, swimming, the color green, skirts of any kind, music, and desserts strawberries on everything!!

Lover of cats. I love mythical creatures, I find them amazing and so Fascinating, they are quite different, I'm also a lover of music all kinds, listening to music while writing gets me inspired and pepped to write more.. if i didn't have music and writing i would be very lost i couldn't imagine the world with out music..., i want to live in Japan or Paris someplace i can dream a lot with no limits...

If you haven't figured out by know that I'm a girl you have problems :P

one day i will write the best manga ever ^^ and have a wonderful life :)

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all about me!!
Created by cutiepie656 and taken 12443 times on Bzoink
name: Dallas
birthday: September 9
zodiac sign: Virgo
where were you born: West virginia
where do you live now: West Virginia
height: 5'1
hair color: Blonde
eye color: green
tattoos: i will soon (hopefully)
piercings: yes i have three( all on my ears :)
color: Green, Red, Black
food: Crab Alfrado
candy: dum dum pops ><
movie: Anime
tv show: Anime
actor: Jonny Depp
actress: Drew Barrymore
band or singer: Christina Agularia and MANY more
song: Fighter
holiday: My birthday, valentines day, christmas
month: October
season: Fall
day of the week: Saturday
store: B.A.M.- books a million
restaurant: bob evans
sport: vollyball
animal: cat
flower: carnation, rose
*Have you ever....*
danced in the rain: YEs i love the rain ^^
tripped and had an embarassing fall: sadly...
smoked: NO
got drunk: NO
done drugs: NO!
gone skinny-dipping: no almost got the chance lol >.<
been in a car accident: NO thank god!
been in love: yes... cry...<3
met the president: no
met a celebrity: yes
cried over a movie: YES
shoplifted: NO
laughed so hard you cried: yes i have
cried for no reason at all: ... okay yes i did...
*The last.....*
thing you said: oh shut up...
thing you ate: peanut butter :P
song you heard: Last Friday Night ><
movie you saw: Bleach
cd you bought: Evanescence
book you read: Sisters red (great book)
phone call: sister
im: to my bf
person you yelled at: my brother
*This or That*
pepsi or coke: PEPSI XD
mcdonalds or burger king: Mcdonalds
chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate ^^ (makes girls happy)
tv or movies: Movies
colored pencils or markers: Colored pencils
sun or moon: Moon (its amazing and so dreamy)
day or night: night (its when the fun comes out)
pants or shorts: Shorts
long sleeve or short sleeve: Short Sleeve
n'sync or backstreet boys: Backstreet boys
burgers or hot dogs: burgers
rock or rap: Ah thats hard i like all styles...
aim or phone: phone :)
romantic comedy or thriller: AHHH!!!! no my favs Romance all the way ^^ but i also like comedy ><
waffles or pancakes: pancakes
peanut butter or jelly: peanut butter
what color is your toothbrush: purple (not by choice)
do you believe in love at first sight: to an extent
have you ever wished upon a star: YES totally!! ^^
what other language(s) do you speak: French, Japanese, English duh
if you dyed your hair what color would you dye it: Every color except Brown, I am a blonde to heart so no brown in my future...
if you could change your name what would you change it to: Luchia :)
what are the last 4 digits of your phone #: if i told you i would have to kill you mwahhhahahahhaha
whats the weather like right now: Rainy and wet
what instruments do you play (if you play any): Flute, piano (keyboard), and viollin
do you talk to yourself a lot: Duh thats how things get done lol >< :) XD XP
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Posted 13 Years Ago

Vampire academy and chobits! Love your anime pics.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

<3 I'm making a manga too!!! Want me to help? XD

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Posted 14 Years Ago

MONSTER!!!!!!!!!PIZZA!!!!!!!!! K NOW IMMA STEAL IT >:)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hiya! Thanks for adding me. I see you're a fan of Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama too, I love that anime!!!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Oh my gosh, I'm watching Black Butler tooo!! xD

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I love the pictures of anime on your profile.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

sure go ahead :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hello. I am listening to Owl City too. ^.^ Butterfly Wings. Anyway, id it okay if I steal your blue graphy thingy in your About Me page???