
I'm new - but ready

London, Orpington, United Kingdom
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About Me

My name is Laura. I'm growing up painfully but not alone, in my small hometown of Orpington, Kent, in the United Kingdom. Writing is my escape, my passion, a way to create a world I can control. I love reading as well, in much the same style as I write (Kate Brian, Cassandra Clare, Tom Becker, to name a few - my private library is quite extensive for my small bedroom). Music also plays a very big part in my life - rock, metal and alternative mostly, but I'm prepared to branch out and listen to [almost] anything. And I'm happily in love with a man named Josh Cole - or Eight as he's known here (he knows who he is and is very lucky for it). I have my flaws, I know that, but maybe success can help me straighten some of those out.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

"Love" is a must...
sprinkled with pixie dust... :)

Wishing you a lovely Valentine's Day~xoxo~

Source: via Bklyn on Pinterest


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Wishing you a Happy New Year 2013! Be safe my friend!~xoxo~:)

Source: via Cheryl on Pinterest