LoveofWriting11 : Writing

A Disappearing Star

A Disappearing Star

A Poem by LoveofWriting11

A disappearing star cool grass on a September night, a raging ocean outside my window a ball out of left field a burning furnace, a smooth piece of..
The Real Thing

The Real Thing

A Poem by LoveofWriting11

What you think is romance, what you feel is lust and what you see is love but all you are actually experiencing, is a load of BullShit. Yes, to answer..
Music Replies

Music Replies

A Poem by LoveofWriting11

A Poem About Music


A Poem by LoveofWriting11

Secrets; locked doors in our brains Some rattle like fright trains. Mysterious things, like birds without wings releasing them, nothing w..


A Story by LoveofWriting11

"You know what my problem is?" She stated. "I base my happiness off others, and I cant control it." I searched her face, my eyes scanning her transluc..
We Go Through It

We Go Through It

A Poem by LoveofWriting11

In memory of one of my greatest English teachers... Rest In Peace


A Poem by LoveofWriting11

I felt for a moment a sense of belonging I think thats why I fell so hard for you. Not what you said or did but the way you were when you were wit..
Untitled #1

Untitled #1

A Poem by LoveofWriting11

I was nervous, palms sweating,my stomachflipping and turning,I felt sick.I looked for you, searching down narrow hallways,smiling faces passing me.Idi..
A Christmas Eve

A Christmas Eve

A Story by LoveofWriting11

Everything was white. All I could see out side the window were thick powdery snowflakes falling from the sky. There..
A Second Home

A Second Home

A Story by LoveofWriting11

A reminiscent story of my Highschool.