DoNt LoSe YoUrSeLf

DoNt LoSe YoUrSeLf


Sigh...I just want her back.

Madison, WI
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Hi to all old and new Writers!

My name is Emily Svetlana and this my new account. My old account is I Am Svetlana if you want to check it out sometime, all my old writing is on there. So, I decided to open a new account for my more "new" writings.

I basically live by the Self-Relience essay written by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Meaning depend on yourself and no one else. Do things at your own pace and to not worry about other people around you.

I am 21 years old. Fun. Energetic. Full of life.

Crazy and foolish :)

I am bisexual and single.

When it comes to relationships, I am perfectly okay with long distance and even with that, I am able to give my heart. All of my heart for that one person. Distance nor age should keep two people from each other if they truly want to be together and feel the way they do.

As for the words "I love you", I always choose the right time to say them. I may not say them right away, but that's only because I wait for the right moment to. I don't let people force me into saying it and don't say those words to someone, even a special someone, unless I personally feel it.

Writing is my life and plan on pursuing an English career. Though, I mainly write poetry at the moment and have a story in the editing process. (Not professionally, but done by me personally for now.

I am currently at UW-Richland University and hopefully plan on transferring to UW-Oshkosh once I graduate in the spring.

I write really about anything, but I have a big imagination along with a big heart.

I believe writing has helped me grow a lot as a person, mainly because it has helped me say the things I can't bring myself to say in person. As I look at past writings compared to my new ones, I begin to noticed how my talent has changed and grown. I have learned a lot of new things about myself, some things good and some bad. Though it doesn't bother me, it always helps to know who you are as a person compared to how other people see you. It's to prove that no one is able to know you better than yourself.

I'm always wiling to help anyone with any problems or if they just need someone to talk or vent to. I may not be able to relate to certain things or situations that some have gone through, but I've been battling my own issues for a few years now, which also has helped me grow as an individual. If anyone needs or wants to talk, just drop me a message and I'll be more than happy to respond :)

Nearly anything is able to inspire me: a person, a place, the smallest thing. An event out of my day or even a name of all things.

Writers block, I admit I get it from time to time. Seems like all writers do, yet normal people have no problem with it. Haha.

I'm optimistic and calm. I don't let little things stress me out anymore. Though, I do get irritated easily from time to time and have somewhat of an attitude problem.

I love to read, ever since I was little. I'll read really anything, but I mainly enjoy fantasy, non-fiction or science fiction.

Just to let everyone know, I have turned off my read requests simply because I am going to take my time with the ones I have currently. I"ll eventually turn it back on, but not for awhile.

To add to everything, I am also an artist. I draw sometimes and have uploaded some of my drawings in my photos part if you want to check them out sometime.

Thanks for your consideration.

Talk to me if you want, I don't bite--hard :)


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Posted 7 Years Ago

Hey, thought id drop a line. Havent talked with you in forever and thought i send you a message, hope to talk soon miss talkig with you!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Compliments of the season and have an awesome New Years :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

:| I've been worse, lol.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Hey, :) How have you been?

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Posted 11 Years Ago

 photo s--my-album--GOOD-SAYS--rozne--you-only--morning-day--quote-n-share--week--Swee_large_zps8413edfc.jpg

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Thanks for the friend request...

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Why did you add me as a friend? Is there something I said that interests you?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Dropping by to say hi! Hope your week is going well!! -Alice

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Posted 12 Years Ago

:D Hi there~!

Thanks for the friend request~!

I love what I've read of your poetry so far! Keep it up!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thanks for the friend request :)