I am a freed soul that enjoys writing as much as reading. Its exciting to be amongst others in a forum such as this where no matter the path I'm on in my journey through life, I know I can express what is pouring out of me, and so many will understand the language that I am speaking in.
I am a mother of two children, one 21 year old son, and one 14 year old daughter. Both are heavy into the performing arts, and they are my inspiration and motivation to continually grow and seek that which moves me internally.
Life has had its challenges, as it has with everyone...but in my lifetime so far, I have found my peace, and I have learned acceptance through love, no matter the curve balls of ugliness that living can put in my path.
Also, I might add, I have been blessed with two wonderful loving parents who are very active in my life, and they too continue to inspire me by showing me how to love unconditionally, and survive gracefully.