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Compartment 114
Mistress Lorescien

Mistress Lorescien


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About Me

Alright, now that I feel a bit comfy with this site and some very nice people that use it, I think I can talk about myself.

My name is Jenn, Jenny, Jennifer, or Lorescien. Whichever you prefer, I shall answer to.

I pride myslef in being an imaginative writer (on account of how much I read) and also being a fan fiction writer. Sure, the fan fiction stuff isn't as awesome for my reputation as my own original works, but I enjoy it. Don't judge me! :P

The stories/books or whatever I do on here are usally off the top of my head when I start them, so don't expect too very much; I have a tendency to go a month or more without adding another part or chapter. But whatever, my stories seem to be entertaining enough for people to wait.

How about I warn you ahead of time about something? Saying that you found a bloody typo in my writing will do me no good. For some reason, my fingers move faster than my brain, thus creating the little screw-ups you may see interspersed. Thanks for the pointer, of course, but I really don't need it.

My favorite animals are cows, cats, and giraffes with an occasional bird or manatee in there. Otherwords, all animals are equal to me, but the ones I named have found their place on a pedestal in my heart. Next to Jason.

Oh, you know about Friday the 13th, correct? Yes, my one life goal is to marry Jason Voorhees. Impossible? I think not. I can settle for marrying Kane Hodder or C.J. Graham and just make him (them, if I'm lucky) wear the outfit! XD