Steven : Writing

frozen sight

frozen sight

A Poem by Steven

wrote it for my wife
dollar policy

dollar policy

A Poem by Steven

wrote this after I learned about the dollar diplomacy
Thoughts in moments

Thoughts in moments

A Poem by Steven

confused in grey, sad poems, deep times
Tunnel Vision Magnatism

Tunnel Vision Magnatism

A Story by Steven

an expereince in a tunnel vision.
Bottled up foe

Bottled up foe

A Story by Steven

My knees started to give way, my legs were shaking violently. My left arm won’t move. My right eye won’t seem to open. Still, though..
my first hair cut

my first hair cut

A Poem by Steven

So Delilah I guess I’m singing to you with no sight Strange I still see your eyes never the less I’m down and I just had my firs..
encounter for dreamer

encounter for dreamer

A Story by Steven

up for intertitation
Deal for the unsalted

Deal for the unsalted

A Story by Steven

The soup spoon in his hand was starting to grow heavy as well the last of the soups heat dissipating. Till at the end of the table he stood and ..
Builders of rubble in rebels

Builders of rubble in rebels

A Story by Steven

i typed this out of an idea in the middle of the night
Primitive Insintive

Primitive Insintive

A Story by Steven

I wrote this after i got off work from macdonalds. Basically im looking for comments.

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