I sit all alone in this room,
My Love is taking shape before my eyes,
The shape of flame and smoke.
I have written you a love letter.
Why is it that people find it strange that my brother and I go on dates together? My brother and I are extremely close. Sure we fight and get mad at e..
Dear haters, protesters, unsupporters of war, It has come to my attention that many so called Americans are rising up and voicing out. Now usually t..
Here, on this day, this day of days,
Thenight is done,
And in the dawn we see
The enemy waiting before us,
The bodies of our fallen brethren aroun..
The greatest weapon in all of time,
Is made not from steel nor wood.
It is man's tongue,
And even hell cannot defeat it.
What story could be told with my portrait?Loss, heartache, abandon.What would be sensed behind the eyes of my portrait?Hope, fear, wanting.What visi..
Can't anyone see meas I rip out my hair?Can't anyone hear meas I scream for help?Can't anyone feel meas I grasp for reality?Can't anyone care about me..
Death the silent lover, the carrier of souls.Death the answer to my problems, the hero of my hurt.Death the last great adventure, the last conquest...
I think of what you did to me and what I wanted you to do,I cannot decide if I love you or I hate you.You hurt me deeper than anyone before you,I wa..
The world is full of cruelty, it is everywhere. But it is the beauty hidden around us that helps us to survive, IF we are willing to look for it. Be..