Rebecca : Writing

Chapter 1-Made to last

Chapter 1-Made to last

A Chapter by Rebecca

40 ABY, NABOO, THEED Time had passed, sometimes slowly and others faster, but Rebeth remained the same all these years. Mentally. She was m..
Chapter 2-The Ambassador of Tatooine

Chapter 2-The Ambassador of Tatooine

A Chapter by Rebecca

Rebeth and Cryl were in their chamber in the starship. They had squatted on the bed, facing each other and starring in each others eyes. Later b..
Chapter 3-The Force source

Chapter 3-The Force source

A Chapter by Rebecca

Starina went back to the Imperial facilities by Force-jumping and Force-dashing so that no one would see her. Another skill Rebeth hadn't taught ..
Chapter 4-Ambassador in action

Chapter 4-Ambassador in action

A Chapter by Rebecca

They eventually landed in Csilla. The prime minister had a sour expression on his face, but accepted them in his mansion. His wife, a very charm..
Chapter 5-Frozen in time

Chapter 5-Frozen in time

A Chapter by Rebecca

The sun rose again and its beautiful rays shone on D'Qar. Rebeth was whispering Cryl's name in her sleep and he was sitting by hair side, caressing..
Return to fight

Return to fight

A Book by Rebecca

(contains spoilers from the Force Awakens)
Chapter 1- Love is care

Chapter 1- Love is care

A Chapter by Rebecca

It wasn't a windy night tonight. It was April after all. Couples were coming and going over that bridge of Seine but there was a young man, who was wa..
Chapter 2-Love is understanding

Chapter 2-Love is understanding

A Chapter by Rebecca

Gaspard woke up early and in a rush. He wanted to impress the blessing that came to his life yesterday night and also maker her feel loved, even thoug..
Chapter 3&4-Love is not judgemental, love can heal

Chapter 3&4-Love is not judgemental, love can heal

A Chapter by Rebecca

Lune was naked and running away from a big crowd yelling at her and booing her as her sound holes marks were revealed. At some point she crashes upon ..
Chapter 5-Love is selfless

Chapter 5-Love is selfless

A Chapter by Rebecca

Gaspard was holding Lune in her violin form on his hand and was quickly climbing down the stairs of the Opera. He could feel that she was tired or tha..

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