About Me
I am a freelance proofreader and copyeditor with a lifelong love of the written word and a keen expertise in language mechanics and literary devices. Anything with words is fair game, fiction is a favourite, and I specialize in academic citation styles (MLA, APA, Chicago); but the dream that keeps me warm at night is to be an editor of superhero comics. I am in the tricky early stages of self-employment, reaching out to online writing communities to network and build a portfolio. Contact me to have all your errant commas rounded up and put back in the right place.
My own writing is mainly nonfiction -- film and literary criticism, travel journalism, encyclopedia articles, and the ramblings of a popular media maven. I also have a few short stories and unpublished radio dramas to my name, and enjoy experimenting with poetry forms (I like sestinas).
I come down on the side of the Oxford comma, the singular 'they,' and the split infinitive when done with authority, and I know more about the X-Men than is strictly healthy for a grown person.