Writing isreleasing your abilitiesWriting iscreating and formingyour future selfWriting isgoing through lifenoticing momentsyou want to captureand can..
Art Breathes insideWaiting to get outBreaks free in dreamsInspires flights of fancyHush, sleep, dreamCreate...Art
The sun will rise high in the sky everydayHow do I know it is so?The moon will glow bright as the sun fades awayHow do I know it is so?A child will be..
Isee you in the warm sitting roomThe fire glows illuminatingtreasured photographscarefully placedon the mantelpieceI see youtoes peekingunderneath a t..
Ode To My Mother
Would that I couldWould I change what I've done?Would I alter the past,Resculpt the stone that's been cast?Stress, strife, strainDistress, drudge, dra..
Invigorate my lungs with fresh fall airEmbrace the aroma of a New England morn.Adjust my eyes to dim dawn lightSequester my fingers 'neath warm fleece..
Running has given me a chance to get out of childhood poverty, get a College education and live in the USA.
Awaken at dawnto sounds of swirlYouth's memories rush forthfrom far side of the world.Through bedroom windowI'm ecstatic to seeA whimsical scenemidst ..
A poem I wrote, after witnessing a child abuse victim in a supermarket. I subsequently called social services to report what I had seen, and where.