I’m looking out a window, the world is small below. The lights of night are shining, with a bright but golden glow.
A wing stretched out bes..
Tell them your fine when really your not. Show a smile tho your heart is broken. Give them a laugh tho your spirit is broken. Don’t let them in,..
Broken like a vessel, scattered like the wind, Gods precious children in a world of sin. But one remains beside you, not one just from the past. Your ..
Spring hugs the the valley, and flowers cover the green velvet floor of grass like sprinkles on a freshly baked cake. Critters come out to scamper ove..
I give to thee this Christmas tale as the snow floats to the ground, the little babe a savior be to Bethlehem has come.
Around him kneel the simple ..
Her thick black lashes caressed her soft pink unscarred cheeks, and her lips smiled red as a rose.
Her hair was long and flowing rich like honey d..
Like a candle in a window shining bright to lead a sailor home at night. Gods light will guide me closer still, till I’m the one peeking over th..
Your laugh that ripples like a stream , your smile that makes me want to beam. Your hair that sines like rusty glow, your confidence that makes me lov..