I'm the good girl, always have been. Never done anything wrong, no problems, no worries. Always happy and cheerful. Just about everyone has seen those..
Every year I make up a few goals for myself and in the end never accomplish them,not even one, ever. Spending your time worrying if you did this right..
No one is insignificant, unimportant, or little. As human beings we are weird in our own way. Everyday we change, grow, get bigger as a whole. We have..
Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I know that, but all my life I've been hesitant about saying what I'm thinking or putting in my input in o..
I wouldn't exactly call myself a Christian anymore, but I am in a way religious. Being thirteen I have no choice but to go to church with my mom on Su..
My thoughts...Why is it that I can never get them perfectly on the page? Everyday something inspires me, but the second I pick up a pencil all creativ..