What is the most important thing in life?Is it better to lie kindly, or to hurt with your honesty?Who do I want to be?What makes someone worth your ti..
I cannot forget you,this was never supposed to happenYou are an ink spot on a white sweater,and I was supposed to forget all about this.You make the b..
Friendship is as necessary as an arc in a great flood.It is the foundation upon which dense bricks are laid.M.Braided together, our hair is light and ..
Life is not a rubricChances are meant to be taken,there is more to life thana perfect imagehigh marks on each testalways getting that last winning poi..
I wake up to see sunlight streaming across my pillowbut I know that all you see is the shadows cast by bars across your pillow.You made mistakes and y..
There is something about hope,that seems to have the tenacity ofa tender green shoot pushing throughlayers of icy, fallen snow to the welcoming embrac..
Warm sunshine leaving traces of glowing calm,bare, running feetthrough tall waving grass,tickling toes and staining knees green.Bright laughter,floati..
Earth is a glassfilled to overflowing with life tricklingdown the smooth surface in thin streams.It is a well of ever-changing existence thatat the sa..