Chloe Christine : Writing

Anything and Everything

Anything and Everything

A Poem by Chloe Christine

about him. (:
You are Beautiful ?

You are Beautiful ?

A Poem by Chloe Christine

They call you beautiful. When They know who you are. Your personality doesn't matter, As long as you'll go far. You are vain. You are greedy...
I Should Be Over It

I Should Be Over It

A Poem by Chloe Christine

And don't say, that if I am falling, you'll make everything okay. We both know, that can't be the truth. Just a lie in a long line. I already sa..


A Poem by Chloe Christine

my sister. (: not exactly a poem.


A Poem by Chloe Christine

not really a poem (:
Bottled Water.

Bottled Water.

A Poem by Chloe Christine

Feelings. Not very good.
Change Of Pace

Change Of Pace

A Poem by Chloe Christine

Read author's notes(:
`*~Dearest Mother~*`

`*~Dearest Mother~*`

A Poem by Chloe Christine

Everyday, you change me more. Saying things that make me sore. My mood from one to another, Changed to anger, by my mother. Happiness passes, smil..


A Poem by Chloe Christine

I love this new feeling. You bring on me such happiness. Such a huge chage from what used to be. I'll never be alone when I'm with you. And I'll n..


A Poem by Chloe Christine

You are in my life. Can neverforget. This feeling of joy, Don't know a regret. You were the one, I didn't see as a choice. But I'm happy you'r..