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About Me

Hello, Hello.
Welcome to my profile. As you can see, it's not much. It's probably quite pathetic actually. But in my defence... I'm new to writerscafe (Obviously this excuse won't last forever, but for the time being... it'll do).
Well... I'm 16. I live in London. And... yhh.
I'm a student in my first year of A-levels. In fact, I actually dropped English. So, this is sort of like my suppliment.
By all means, please take a look at my writing. However, most writing that I have posted on here will be very old. Anything new that I'm "working on" won't be posted for a long, long time (if ever). Hope you enjoy my writing. Some pieces you will, others you won't (I already have a vague idea of which works people will like, and which people won't).


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Posted 14 Years Ago

It was going pretty well until I got bored with it. I learned the basics, and was just beginning to pick up on common phrases and such, but I found other things to hold my interest, and so I gave it up.

I'll check him out soon, or as soon as I can anyway.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hello there =]
Thank you so much for the review. Straightforward and true as always and yeah, I havent been doing much of the writing bit for a while now. College is well, brain draining me thoroughly.
I am working on something but again, that will take time to make its way on to this site. So well, yeah. Thank you and see you around =]

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I actually intend to make a facebook in the future - probably when I graduate in May - but I'm putting it off for now. Is it sad that the main reason why I'm putting it off is because I know I'll have to take a picture to set as my default? I had a Twitter a long, long time ago. I was using it then as a language board, as I was attempting to learn Japanese. When I abandoned that pursuit, I also abandoned my twitter. No, I have never read his blog. But I definitely will check it out, since it is a must. :]

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Posted 14 Years Ago

This site is actually the only social-networking type of site that I have. Though this isn't actually a social networking site, it's just the closest thing I have. I had a MySpace back when I was much younger, but I deleted that long ago. I'm just not a huge fan of sites like that. The only reason I would need one would be to talk to my friends, which I can do through text-messaging or instant-messaging. Plus, I abhor taking pictures, and those damn things require a default.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

I completely agree! We should definitely talk more directly. We have been talking through comments for a while, and no, I do not even know your name. Do you know my real one? I'm not sure if I've ever told you.

I actually do not have a facebook, this website is the closest to any form of social networking I am a part of. I'm usually not a huge fan of sites like this, save this one simply because I can read/review writings on here.

Nope, I'm hurt-free as of right now!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

The time difference is probably the main reason for the delay, though.

Ah, I'm extremely intelligent. I got into a fight with a temperamental hot glue gun and lost. Anyway, they're much better now. I can write and type regularly anyway.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Yes, I understood what you meant by saying that the first was the greatest day of the year so far. Mine just wasn't all that wonderful, but I can't seem to remember why right now.

We do seem to have a roughly two-day delay, don't we? How odd.

This is taking forever for me to type, by the way. I managed to burn my hands pretty badly, so they're all wrapped up and I'm typing with three fingers. So feel special, damnit. :D

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Yes, I do also hope that 2011 is better for both of us. Mine hasn't been going all that great so far, but I'm hoping that it will turn around soon enough. :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

They are? Oh, I did not know that. Thank you for informing me. And you're welcome. :)
2010 is still good for me, I hope it was as good for you as it was for me!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

My perception of amazing is, well ... amazing.
Being silly is a good thing because it's better than being boring, obviously. :)
Merry Christmas to you too! And happy New Year as well.