Monique Jackson

Monique Jackson


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Miramar, FL
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About Me

When life brings me pain I write! When people bring me misery..I write! When I can't express through words from my mouth..I write. Writing is my therapy. It's my sanity. It's simply me! God gave me a gift that gives me peace of mind and I am forever grateful for it. At the age of 27 I have experienced more than I could have ever imagined but yet here I am standing strong on nothing but God and the Art of My Words! Thank God for the breakthrough, Thank God for the life I do not own possession of, But Most Importantly, Thank God for allowing me the chance to tell my story!!!


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Posted 16 Years Ago

u still alive or what

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Posted 16 Years Ago

The Gazelle by Rainer Maria Rilke

Enchanted thing: how can two chosen words
ever attain the harmony of pure rhyme
that pulses through you as your body stirs?
Out of your forehead branch and lyre climb

and all your features pass in simile through
the songs of love whose words as light as rose-
petals rest on the face of someone who
has put his book away and shut his eyes:

to see you: tensed as if each leg were a gun
loaded with leaps but not fired while your neck
holds your head still listening: as when

while swimming in some isolated place
a girl hears leaves rustle and turns to look:
the forest pool reflected in her face.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey girl thanks for stopping by to review Slam. Much appreciate.

Be Blessed

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Posted 17 Years Ago

trying to stay busy and not busy at the same time!


Yeah...I live in the world of "Ironic" right now. lol

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey girl! What's going on?

Just wanted to come through and see how you were! :o)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review Monique...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for adding me as a friend. Check out my writings as I will do the same.

Dr. V

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Posted 17 Years Ago

yep i'm putting poeple thru an application process and they have to include

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Posted 17 Years Ago

lol I know but you never see the signs until your already tooooooooo deep and then it's already too late....but i pay attention to the signs now

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Posted 17 Years Ago

lol yea I feel that me and that dude were coo like that up until the last few weeks. He got uset becasue all my homies are guys and i only have like 2 girlfriends in Texas..i mean i had just moved back to Texas in the first place and lived with a bunch of guys the whole time so i didn't understand the problem..

but my ex-husband still comes to family reunions, birthdays, holidays the whole nine (he lives in Cali mind you) he went from being baby to D...from kisses to a head nod and I still have to see him for the rest of my life (but atleast he aint a stalker)