Lauren.. : Writing

Learning to love again

Learning to love again

A Poem by Lauren..

Sometimes people make mistakes, We might not be proud of what someone has done in their past, But life is about giving people second chances, You c..
Walking on eggshells

Walking on eggshells

A Poem by Lauren..

This world is not like it used to be, People used to be able to stay out after dark, But now people have to worry about being gunned down, People h..
Connected by stories

Connected by stories

A Poem by Lauren..

Words have power, You have to decide if you are willing to share your story with the world, Some parts of your life might be painful and messy and y..
Visiting Day

Visiting Day

A Poem by Lauren..

What is most important to you, Is getting the approval of others important, Is it worth losing someone who you love, People often take to the bottl..
The grow pathway

The grow pathway

A Poem by Lauren..

Obstacles often define us,We often need help but don’t want to ask for it,You might be embarrassed,If you don’t say anything people will n..


A Poem by Lauren..

Why has the world gone off the deep end, Enough is enough, We need to come together and put a end to this madnesses once and for all, It’s ok..


A Poem by Lauren..

Do things don’t seem to be going right, The world is at its breaking point, I don’t know how much bad news that I can take, The world i..
Spilled milk

Spilled milk

A Poem by Lauren..

We all have things that we wish we could change,Our mistakes can help us grow,We can’t help people who don’t want to help themselves,Peopl..
Auction off my heart

Auction off my heart

A Poem by Lauren..

Do you want people to see the real you, You might have be scared to put your heart out there, People might make fun of you because you have a disabi..
From page to screen

From page to screen

A Poem by Lauren..

I have a dream, To see my words on the big screen, Such it’ll take a lot of work but I’ll put in the effort, I’m not in it for th..