Inspired by the yougi bear cartoon
When you drive you have to keep your hands at ten and two,
This poem is not about driving,
Driving isn’t the only thing that you can do with..
Always remember to ask permission to pet someone’s dog.
Every single one of us can’t live without food,
We all have food allergies and we have limits,
People stuff their faces with junk food,
What makes a home safe,
Parents say I love you when you get home from school,
Parents who take a interest in your after school activities,
Throat cleared,
Butterflies are in my stomach,
They are being flipped over like pancakes,
Some people want to stay cooped up in the house like ch..
Just like getting a haircut has a style and so does writing,
If everyone had the same taste it would be a pretty boring world,
People can write in..
What do an asteroid and a football have in common
A lot can happen when you are drunk.
Our pets give us so much joy,
But they put us to work,
They hop up on the couch and leave their fur behind,
It’s like they get their hair c..