Little Amy Lee : Writing

Take a guess

Take a guess

A Poem by Little Amy Lee

Help Me

Help Me

A Poem by Little Amy Lee

Made up just now xD


A Screenplay by Little Amy Lee

I got bored :P
Most Haunted

Most Haunted

A Poem by Little Amy Lee

Sweet Temptation

Sweet Temptation

A Poem by Little Amy Lee

Made up on the spot
Everythings Changed

Everythings Changed

A Poem by Little Amy Lee

Random poem i made up
You're Mistake

You\'re Mistake

A Poem by Little Amy Lee

Poem on the spot
Story to tell

Story to tell

A Poem by Little Amy Lee

random poem i made up before i fell asleep


A Story by Little Amy Lee

Alice took a look to her left, then a look to he right. So many faces surrounded her. It was five pm in London and it was still buzzing. ..