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Auckland, New Zealand
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About Me

Hmmm...where to start. I feel in the mood to list...lets make some lists...

Name: Sophie (no it's not short for Sophia)
Age: wouldn't you like to know :P
Height: ...lets just say I'm vertically challenged...
Fav Colours: Red, Blue, and Black although sure it's technically a shade.

Okay list time is over. I like to think of myself as intelligent although I may posses particularly bad spelling for a writer. I've been writing stories since I was young, except (fortunately) my stories as I grew older stopped being about animals and actually became somewhat anthropomorphic.

I fell in love with chemistry and biology in the last two years of my high school experience, and they became my secret love affair on the side of writing. My tools of the trade are a pen, a lab coat and my fanged teeth.
I forget to mention sometimes....I have a love of all things vampiric and evil. I love to bite. Biting is my addiction, unfortunately for my boyfriend :P and I love to indulge myself in vampire movies, books and legends. Last year all that I read were vampire novels recommended to me by friends :) some made my best songs list. I am a fairly nice person if you can stand to be around me for more than a few minutes. I am a loyal friend and somewhat of a tease but that's my wicked side ;).

I have been working on a number of stories for sometime...some of them slightly...."interesting" and others show that they were written as a teenager. I hope all of them are good. I'm not much of a poet but I have been known to dabble in poetic descriptions occasionally. I am an interesting person and I can talk for ages. However I fear this is beginning to sound like a dating profile on some sad website so I shall leave you with more lists (as if you're actually still reading!). These are some things that inspired my mind and stories :)

- Johnny English
- Sweeney Todd (Tim Burton's)
- Howl's Moving Castle
- Underworld (1 & 2 haven't seen 3 yet)
- Moulin Rouge
- Anything Monty Python
Hmmm mostly vampire movies...I can't think of anything else at the moment...
- Seinfeld Series
- Black Books
- Fawlty Towers
- Friends
- Black Adder

- Stravangaza Series
- Twilight Series
- The Host
- Howls Moving Castle
- Vampire Kisses
- Peeps
- The works of Edgar Allan Poe
- Dracula (Bram Stoker's)
- I'm reading the Darren Shan series Cirque Du Freak (and all following books)
- Jacques-Yves Cousteau's Series about the oceanic life ("Life and Death in a coral sea" at the moment)

Recent Playlist:
- Rev 22:20
- The Undertaker (Renholder Mix)
- It had better be tonight (Meglio Stasera)
- You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
- Now you're gone
- When you leave (numa numa)
- It's raining men
- Forsaken
- Inside the fire
- Going under
- Everybody's fool
- Bring me to life
- Tourniquet
- Call me when you're sober
- S.E.X
- Tribute
- The Time Warp
- Sweet Transvestite
- Animals
- Next Contestant



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Posted 16 Years Ago

You know? No one has tried the armrest thing with me in a while! O_O That's amazing! My ex was 6'1" o.o;; odd. Very odd. But it was sweet when he'd give me piggy back rides and I felt like the tallest person in the world~ lol
Ah, that sounds like Chicago weather! It's either scalding hot or freezing cold. x_x Luckily, the weather's become fairly tolerable around here. Before it was just freezing... all the time. And I hate the cold. >.<

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh jeez, the short jokes. >.< I swear, you'd think people would get tired of saying them. *sigh* My friend once tried to cheer me up about my height and she said "Well, look at it this way! You can't see all the dirty things in the world, like the dust on top of cars!" and I said "What if I wanted to see that dust =_=" lol
Good random topic~ lawl. Uh, it's kinda stormy here. But to me, that's good weather X3
How's the weather where you are?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yeah, Spirited Away is, I think my favourite. I have the soundtrack. X3 It's so cute.
Aw man! Lucky! I made it to 5' once, but I moved and shrunk again. u.u I never had my five-feet party. *tear*
Huh, I can imagine any attempt to analyze Shakespeare would fry a few good braincells! lol

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Posted 16 Years Ago

XD Wow, we have a lot of odd things in common. o.O
I, too, am vertically challenged. 4'11"
And I love Monty Python! *gasp* Ever watch The Mighty Boosh?! It's so good! New British comedy at its finest~
Aaaaand Howl's Moving Castle! Actually, I like all Miyazaki films, but you know. X3

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