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About Me

I'm an author/editor for Divertir Publishing, a member of deviantART, Storywrite, and Shadowness. I love art & literature and I spend some of my time on these websites searching for work to publish.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Don't waste your time propagating hatred. I just saw a horrible round of comments yesterday where one commenter reduced himself to vulgar language and a hateful attitude.

This was commentary from two commenters, the author was big enough not to get involved. Don't use another person's area to voice such negativity towards one another. If you simply must behave like a troll, do it on the person's page you are directing the negativity at. Argue in a more private way.

I thought this community was holding itself to a higher standard, seems the trolls find us no matter.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Breathe inspiration. Make a life of your own design by listening to the voice of your inner knowing. You are unique and distinctive - love the glorious you. Find your way to bliss by making conscious choices that inspire a profound sense of joy. Know that the source of love within will guide you for you are a divine being of grace and beauty.

Micheal Teal