It’s easy to be
It’s harder to feel.
It’s easy to fold.
It’s harder to peel.
Anya is a cynical, bitchy, & egotistical 25-year-old who drinks scotch & raps to a crowd at a local NYC club on Thursday nights. But deep down, she ha..
Born of a dream, by way of a poem...that turned itself into a story. Go figure.
I sat down to do some freewriting for my personal statement to submit to graduate schools and once the flood-gates were open, this crept out. It has n..
Too often, we are forgotten for our unique traits and the rush of the masses can seem intimidating and unwelcoming. But instead of adopting their "sha..
Go easy,
Go easy on me now, while we still have a purpose.
A running stream of conscious thought,
But free of riverbeds’ resentment..
Old Hat, New Hair,
True Eyes
Same blades that carpet the earth,
Swaying aside in ebbs and flows.
As downtrodden as ever they were,
To Admire Not the Rose, But MeWeighted, I stand for
the train.
Shaking; it was
easier last year.
Don’t they see my
New for you to try, to bear,
Not for them to see.
Do they take the time to know,
Such subtle revelry?
To see the world in shad..
This is the result of a particularly twisted dream in which I starred as the main character...and also the result of a year's worth of intermittent th..