LindseyD =D : Writing

Adulterated Purity -My character story (long)

Adulterated Purity -My character story (long)

A Story by LindseyD =D

Adulterated Purity They never not see her. Never not notice her as she walks down the center aisle of the school cafeteria with her head held high..
Prompt 2: Character Scene

Prompt 2: Character Scene

A Story by LindseyD =D

Byson was waiting for Skye at the end of the hallway after the final bell, holding his geometry book in the crook of his arm, a large smile taking o..
Promt 1

Promt 1

A Story by LindseyD =D

Prompt One: Fri 3/13/09 “A Character’s Inner World” (Inspired by Laurie Hutzler’s Character Maps) You have created a char..