Oh, caffeine, From my favorite bean, It's yet to be seen, If you'll cause me ren- al failure. I love you so, Though you normally grow, In farms with ..
The monster attacks;then, deus ex machinait turns out ok.
'Twas the deep of DecemberWhen late in the night,Guided by starsAnd the Moons shining light,The Spirit of Christmas,A miraculous sight,Moved through t..
Book One of Three: A Time for the StarsWherein the tale of how mankind reaches the stars is told, and also some of the stuff it did while it was there..
The Professor began to turn towards his companion when he suddenly felt the the cold, brittle barrel of a pistol pushed against his back.'I- I had not..
The story of how Mankind reached the stars, and what it did when it got there.