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About Me

I am a 21 year old... girl or woman? Something in between, maybe. I was a weird child.
In the midst of war, with no electricity and barely any food or water sometimes, I used to light a candle and read books under it. Books that we got from UNICEF. My mother taught me how to read at the age of 3-4 and I borrowed my older brother's books (without them knowing) and taught myself English.
My childhood is a catastrophe but my curiosity always kept me striving forward. I was wondering what God looked like and why everyone believed in something they had never seen.
I was also very in love with the girl next door.
That was something that could have gotten me beheaded.
Being a skeptic of God would of also gotten me beheaded.
And the same with being a girl.
I have heard stories that my great grandparents moved to Turkey from an unknown (Might be Greece, Azerbaijan) country, and then moved from Turkey to Iraq. So I was born and raised there till the age of 12.
Then, me and my family moved to Sweden.
I was really shocked when I realized that there was something called human rights because it was not something I knew of growing up in Iraq.
So, after breaking free from the war, I also managed to break free from the family honor culture that I was in.

Now, 8 years later I've realized that those problems exist in Sweden too.
So I hold speeches and presentations about my experiences.
I've held a speech in for example in Sweden's parliament building about honor culture and fundamentalist Islamism.
I am going to study till I get master degree in philosophy, psychology and political science.
I have always loved to write down my thoughts and feelings.
Sometimes it's more of a compulsion and I end up not having any idea of what I am writing till it's done.
The speech I wrote down, made many people cry. They said I was good at writing.
So I started writing more and fell in love with it even more.