Rob : Writing

Modern day art from a yesterday's past

Modern day art from a yesterday's past

A Poem by Rob

see we are all just pieces of art placed in a world full of judges Evaluated based on our past As if..
be a dreamer

be a dreamer

A Poem by Rob

Be a dreamer Never wake up from your dream to soon Put your dreams in action before it’s too late And no one ever knew they existed ..
Under the knife

Under the knife

A Poem by Rob

I let you cut me open that day, to see the contents inside me You saw my heart, the only thing inside that remain I conversed with you as if the arm..
The shadow

The shadow

A Poem by Rob

We are constantly followed by death in the form of a shadow
The road

The road

A Poem by Rob

it's easy to blame others for where your at, but as you reflect your in control of the road you go down in life
I hope you understand

I hope you understand

A Poem by Rob

A depressing poem about a man who's reading another mans last words, come to find out it's actually his own